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Incantation - Smudging Kit-

Mood, anxiety, environment, stress making you feel a little energetically unbalanced? Incantation, our smudging and cleansing kit may just help you out with getting back to being the goddess or god that you have always been.

Smudging has been used for centuries in every corner of the world across all cultures as a way to clear negative energy, purify spaces, objects, and individuals, connect to spiritual realms, enhance intuition, reflect upon spiritual dilemmas, charge objects, and help establish positive environments for meditation and rituals.

We have included all that you will need to set those intentions, clear negative energy, restore harmony and balance, and help re-center your mind, spirit, and body. 


White sage (Salvia apiana) smudge stick: originating from the Latin word salvia or to heal, sage is believed to provide wisdom, clarity, and spiritual awareness. In addition, White Sage offers rapid delivery to the brain and efficient absorption to the body, scientists have observed that sage can clear up to 94 percent of airborne bacteria and disinfect the air. Whilst burning, sage releases negative ions, which in turn creates a positive mood. 


Palo Santo: meaning 'holy wood' in Spanish and used for countless generations by shamans in South America. Its trees are known to have a strong spirit and are treated with respect and reverence. Used ceremonially to repel negative energy, fear, and evil spirits. As with most sacred plants, palo santo is unique in its power to balance the void left behind by negative energy.


Anointing oil: handcrafted with frankincense, clove, ginger, rosemary, and geranium oils to help restore, balance, clear, and bring harmony.


Purifying herbal tea: a calming and clearing blend of rose, lavender, and sage.


Incense bundle: used to balance, clear stagnant energy, bless the home, banish negativity, improve mood, aid in ritual, and create sacred space.


Abalone shell: (ethically sourced) used during smudging and after to hold the smudge stick

Incantation - Smudging Kit-

  • How to

    Anointing oil: before smudging apply the anointing oil to pressure points and the third eye. Whilst doing so quiet the mind and focus on your intentions.

    Smudge or clear: hold Sage or Palo Santo at a 45-degree angle, light smudging stick (best to do this with matches and not a lighter), and let burn for about 20 seconds. Gently blow out the flame so that you see orange embers on one end. Direct smoke over the intended object or person. If clearing a room concentrate on the corners and entryways. As you smudge focus on what intention you are setting whether it be balance, peace, clarity, or healing. Once you are finished open all windows and allow the smoke to leave as it carries the negative energy that you are intending to cleanse.

    Purifying herbal tea: place a spoonful of tea into the smaller reusable tea bag. Pour hot water over the tea bag and let steep for two minutes. Before drinking stir tea clockwise for positivity, counter-clockwise for banishment, and concentrate on what you wish to purify from your life, negative energy, unbalanced energy fields, stress, anxiety, negative thoughts, etc. Find a quiet spot and enjoy.

    Burn incense in between smudging to maintain balance, clear stagnant energy, bless the home, banish negativity, improve mood, aid in ritual, and create sacred space.

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